Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

Conflict of Interest Articles submitted to the Journal of Mind, Movement, and Behavior should be prepared in accordance with the items listed below. Obviously, articles that are sent to the journal outside of the specified format will not be included in the refereeing process. Use the ready-made format to submit the article. Click here to download the file.

1- General principles:

1-1- The rules of writing the Persian language should be fully observed and the use of foreign words that have precise equivalents in the Persian language should be avoided.

2-1- Submitted article should not be sent to other publications and conferences at the same time.

3-1- The type of accepted articles should include original articles.

2- How to organize articles:

1-2- The first page should include: the title of the article, first and last name of the authors, academic degree, educational group and the exact address of the author or authors, phone number and email address of the responsible author, Persian summary and keywords. The Persian summary of the article should not exceed 250 words.

2-2- The second page should include: the title of the article, first and last name of the authors, academic degree, educational group and the exact address of the author or authors, phone number and e-mail address of the responsible author, English abstract and keywords. English abstract should not exceed 350 words.

3-2- The third page should contain: extended abstract (1000 words) along with key words (this part will be after scientific acceptance of the journal).

4-2- The main body of the article should include the following:

1-4-2- Introduction: statement of the problem and its purpose with an overview of research literature reviews.

2-4-2- Research method: detailed description of research design, materials and methods, statistical population and sample, and statistical analysis methods used.

3-4-2-Research findings: full description of the research findings.

4-4-2- Conclusion: including the description of the important points of the findings, comparing it with the findings from other studies, justifying and interpreting common cases and cases of disagreement, stating the possible application of the findings, concluding and presenting suggestions from the research findings.

5-4-2- Acknowledgment (optional): If someone was indirectly involved in the research, they should be thanked at the end of the article.

5-2- References: Mentioning and arrangement of sources is according to APA method.

6-2- Photos, graphs and related tables should have titles and numbers. The title and number of the tables should be provided at the top and the title and number of the pictures and diagrams should be provided at the bottom.

3- The editorial board of the journal is free to accept or reject or modify the article (with the approval of the author) and is exempted from returning the article and its appendices.

4- The author or authors are responsible for the correctness of the content.

5- It is free to use the contents of the publication with the full mention of the source.




Files required for submitting articles (the relevant files must be signed and sent by respected authors):

Undertaking form

Conflict of interest form

Copyright form

Author profile form

Article submission guide file (Word file)

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