Peer Review Process

The process of judging and accepting journal articles

The journal "Mind, Movement and Behavior" is a journal that is based on peer review and open access in order to keep pace with international publishing standards. In this regard, this publication has chosen the double-blind refereeing procedure. In such a way that neither the author is informed about the identity of the referee nor the referee is aware of the name and logo of the author(s). This causes the judgment to be done in a purely scientific manner and away from any prejudice and bias. The translated works in the system are sent for judging if they are in line with the specialized field of the magazine and are in accordance with the prevailing standard set by the magazine, and after the final approval of the editor, they enter the printing process.

The journal "Mind, Movement and Behavior" is committed to the highest standards of peer review. Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, the journal "Mind, Motion and Behavior" is subject to the rules, policies and guidelines of the International Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works. In dealing with possible cases of misbehavior and deprivation of credit, it follows the regulations of the mentioned committee.
All received articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality of the research methodology and reasoning of the article. After submitting the article by the author(s) in the journal management system, the article is firstly reviewed and studied by the publication office, the publication expert and the editor (maximum one week). Therefore, please read the instructions and the authors' guide carefully and prepare the article based on the authors' guide in the Farsi section and then send it. After the initial evaluation of the article by the executive director of the publication, if the editor agrees in the first stage, the article will be sent to the respected referees for evaluation and judging. The process of judging and accepting the articles of "Mind, Movement and Behavior" is as follows:
1. Receiving the article through the journal's website and announcing that it has been received less
2. Sending the article to the members of the editorial board or the specialized secretary
3. Reviewing the article in the editorial board meeting, online review, the result of which is as follows:
a. Rejection of the article in the editorial board meeting due to not being a priority
b. Non-compliance with the content and scope of the magazine
C. Low quality, etc., which comes to the author's knowledge along with the relevant reasons.
4. Considering the preliminary corrections (before the refereeing) for the article that will be presented to the dear authors so that after applying the corrections desired by the editorial board (if approved), it will be sent to the refereeing.
5. Sending the article to referees (at least 2 to 3 referees)
6. Receiving the results of the arbitration, which is in three ways:
a. negative
b. Positive
J. Reforms
7. Referring the results of the arbitration to the members of the editorial board to review the arbitrations and make a decision, which will include three results:
a. Rejection of the article due to rejection of referees (two negative referees)
b. Sending to the third referee (one negative referee and one correction)
J. Send to the author for corrections (two refereed corrections).
8. Receive corrections from authors
9. Sending the corrections applied by the author to the respected referees, which will lead to three results:
a. Rejection of amendments
b. the reception
J. Revisions
which will be done in the following three ways:
a. Corrections are returned to the authors for implementation.
b. Acceptance will be issued if all corrections are applied.
J. The article will be rejected due to the lack of corrections according to the opinion of the peer reviewers