Journal editorial board policy

Editorial and journal policies

Journals published by Tabriz University follow the instructions below, which state that all contributors named in the list of authors of the articles have read and approved the content of the edited manuscript (in accordance with the editorial policies of Tabriz University journals). Have.

These policies are in compliance with the guidelines of the COPE ethical charter, and more complete details about these policies can be seen in connection with the ethical charter of research in the Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology in the Ethical Principles menu of the journal publication and only a summary form. Some of them are presented below.

All the submitted articles after evaluation in terms of having the basic standards and compliance with the goals of the journal, editorial policies and compliance with the ethical rules of research, by a maximum of 3 referees and within a maximum of two weeks based on the standard guidelines for writing different studies for careful evaluation They will be judged by two blind judges. Authors must send their revised article to the journal within two weeks after applying the comments of the referees to continue the publication process. It should be noted that the identity of the authors and referees will be protected (double-blind) and the submitted article will be visible only to the referees and the editorial board.


Open access policy

The Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology complies with the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license and has free and open access to all the contents of the journal, in the hope that research that is publicly available will lead to greater exchange of knowledge on a global scale.


Responsibilities and ethical requirements

The editor makes the final decision on all content. Decisions may be made for issues unrelated to the quality of a manuscript, such as journal suitability. The editor can reject any article at any stage before publication, even after acceptance, if concerns about the integrity of the work are raised.

- The identity of the referees and authors is kept confidential.

- No one except the referees and members of the editorial board will be aware of the existence of a submitted manuscript.

For authors:

- At the time of submission, by ticking the draft terms, the author/authors must undertake that neither the submitted manuscript nor any other manuscript that is very similar in content to it has not been published under their authorship in any language and is under consideration elsewhere for It is not printed.
- The author/authors must take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from the beginning to the published article.
- In the event that an author is added or removed from the list of authors, written consent signed by the author/authors must be sent to the editorial office.
- Sources of financial support for the project must be announced.

- If the study involves humans, the author(s) must include a statement that the study was approved by the local ethics committee and that written informed consent was obtained from the study participants. For those without formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Helsinki Convention should be implemented. Also, the compliance of the maintenance and care of laboratory animals with the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health for the human use of laboratory animals should be mentioned in the text.

- All necessary permissions to use the unpublished observations of others must be obtained by the author(s) and mentioned in the text, and the name of the original author(s) must be announced. Also, permission must be obtained to bring back figures and tables that have already been printed or to use them, and it must be announced in the caption of the figure or table title.

- The author/authors must undertake that their research study complies with the rules of their institution/institutions and the guidelines for doing that type of work that are accepted by the public; does not violate any existing copyright or the rights of others; And it does not contain ugly, inappropriate, defamatory, or illegal content in any way.

For judges:

- Reviewers are expected to keep their manuscripts and information confidential.

- They should not use the knowledge of the pre-print manuscript for their own personal gain.

- Judges' opinions should be constructive, honest and polite.

- Arbitrators must declare their conflict of interest and not accept arbitration if there is a conflict. Familiarity with the author(s) should not influence their opinions and decisions

Responsibility and ethical requirements

Authors must certify that the original and no other similar content has been submitted or intended for publication anywhere in any other language. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the entire work, from the beginning to the time of publishing the article. When an author is added or removed from the list of authors, a written agreement signed by the responsible author must be sent to the journal office. Peru's financial support sources should be appreciated. If the study is human, the authors must state that the study has been approved by the ethics committee and consent forms have been obtained from the participants. It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to state a sentence that the researchers adhere to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki throughout the research period. All relevant permissions to mention documents, images and tables of other researchers must be provided.

The Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology adheres to international laws against scientific abuse, including data fabrication, distortion, plagiarism, etc. Any suspected misconduct during the review and refereeing process will be investigated in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.

Publication ethics and misconduct statements

The Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology follows international laws against scientific misconduct, including data fabrication, data distortion, plagiarism, etc. The Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology adheres to and is committed to the principles of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE), and any suspected cases of misconduct during peer review and publication processes are reviewed according to the guidelines of this committee.

Policy on plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when an author tries to pass off another's work as his own. Additionally, when an author uses a significant portion of his previously published work in a new article without properly citing the source, it is called plagiarism. is also called This may range from publishing the same article in another journal to fragmenting data or adding a bit of data to a previous article.

The editorial board/reviewers of the Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology review submitted manuscripts twice (once after submission and once before publication) using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism is suspected about an article, either before (by referees or editorial board) or after (by readers) publication, Journal of Applied Health Studies in Sports Physiology will act according to the instructions and diagrams of the ethics committee in publishing. did

Publication cost

The process of submitting, judging and accepting articles in the Journal of Applied Health Studies in Exercise Physiology is free.

Article preparation checklist for submission

As part of the article submission process, the authors are required to confirm the provisions of the article submission agreement, and if these provisions are not followed, the submitted version cannot be reviewed and will be returned to the authors. These provisions include the following

:- The submitted version has not been published in any magazine in Farsi or any other language before.

- The text has been prepared in compliance with all the principles of article writing based on the guidelines of the magazine authors.

- All conflicts of interest related to the present study are specified in the text.

- The contribution of each of the authors in the formation of this study is specified in the appendices section at the end of the main text.

- All authors acknowledge that all parts of the submitted version have been written without fake data and are free of distorted information including deceptive manipulation, fake images and scientific-literary plagiarism.

- The funding sources of the current research have been specified and clarified in the appendices section.

Respect for privacy

The names, addresses, e-mails and other information of the magazine's contacts, including readers, writers and editors on the magazine's website, are confidential and will be used exclusively for the purposes of this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose.