Comparison of cognitive and non-cognitive skills of 18-24 year old student athletes and non-athletes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Science, Department of Movement Behavior, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of motor behavior Faculty of Sport ,science Alzahra University

3 Assistant Professor, Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran , Mazandaran, Iran


The aim of this study was to Comparison of cognitive and non-cognitive skills of 18-24 year old male student athletes and non-athletes. A total of 200 students from different field of study at Mazandaran University were selected using random sampling method and then 60 students(30 athlete and 30non-athlete) fill the Parkers Problem Solving Questionnaire, Martin and Rubins cognitive flexibility , Helmrich & Spences Motivation for Progress and Abedis creativity .The Data analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance and U Mann-Whitney .Results showed that there is difference between problem solving cognitive skills in male students of athletes with non-athletes of Mazandaran University, and there is superiority with athletic students. And also results showed there is difference between non- cognitive skills of motivation progress in male student of athletes with non-athletes of Mazandaran universities, and also there is superiority with student of athletes. But there is not difference between cognitive flexibility and non-cognitive skills of creativity in male student of athletes with non-athletes of Mazandaran universities. Findings showed that physical activity and sports can as effective factor on skills of problem-solving and motivation for progress.


Main Subjects

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