The relationship between emotional intelligence and personality types with different levels of shooter performance

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Rafsanjan University, Rafsanjan, Iran.



This study aimed to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and personality types and the performance of elite (experienced) and novice (inexperienced) athletes in shooting task. The statistical population included athletes of pistol shooting, 30 of them were selected as elite and beginner participants based on their level of activity as the sample population. Bar-on emotional intelligence questionnaire and Freidman and Rosenman questionnaire were used respectively to measure emotional intelligence and to determine personality type. Shapiro-wilk test was used for determine normal distribution of data and Freidman test, and spearman correlation coefficient test were used for data analysis using SPSS 16. The results showed that there was a significant relationship among emotional intelligence, its components and subscales and the shooting performance of athletes. Also, factors like stress tolerance, problem solving and realism (being realistic) were at the highest level. In addition, elite athletes have type-B personality. According to the findings of this research, paying attention to the emotional intelligence skills and developing them in shooting performance of athletes can be considered by the concerning coaches and officials to improve the shooting skills.

Keywords: elite, emotional intelligence, personality type, shooting


Main Subjects

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