The role of 9 cognitive emotional regulation strategies in predicting archers' sporting success

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor in Motor behavior department, physical education and sport science faculty, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Masters student in Motor behavior department, physical education and sport science faculty, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Athletes have to compete with their competitors to succeed, and as a result, in many situations, they face challenges and get excited. Emotion regulation involves the strategies a person uses to manipulate the occurrence, experience, duration, intensity, and expression of emotion. The aim of the present study is which of the nine strategies of cognitive emotion regulation, which of the Compatible (adaptive) and maladaptive (non-adaptive) strategies have the most predictive power for sports success? The statistical population of the present study included 20 semi-skilled archers in two categories of recreo and compound, which due to the limited statistical population, the sampling method is All members. The present study is a descriptive study in terms of the type of correlation. For this purpose, standard questionnaires of sports success of Mousavi and Vaez Mousavi (2015) and Garnfsky and Craig (CERQ) (2006) Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were examined, were used to collect information. Descriptive and inferential statistics of Pearson correlation with SPSS 26 software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that there is a direct relationship between adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and sports success. On the other hand, there is an inverse relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and sports success. And there is a significant relationship between the cognitive strategies that archers use to regulate their emotions, and their athletic success rate.


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