The Effect of Green Physical Activity on Physical Literacy, Physical Activity Motivation, Subjective Vitality, and Physical Activity Intention in Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor,Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,,University of Tabriz , Tabriz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor,Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,,University of Tabriz , Tabriz, Iran.

3 MA, Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,,University of Tabriz , Tabriz, Iran.

4 M.A student, Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,,University of Tabriz , Tabriz, Iran.


This study aimed to examine the differences between green physical activity and home-based physical activity on motivational regulations, physical literacy, subjective vitality, and intention to continue physical activity. One hundred and twenty secondary students (50% males) participated in this quasi-experimental study. They were randomly assigned into three experimental groups (first experimental group one: physical activity at the park and green space, second experimental group: home-based physical activity, and third experimental group: home-based physical activity behind flowers and flower bots), and followed exercises for 8 weeks. Compared to students in the second and third groups, students in the first experimental group reported higher autonomous motivation and vitality. Amotivation also decreased for students in the second group. Controlled motivation, physical literacy, and intention to continue physical activity did not change results from the interventions. Generally, green physical activity would help students to autonomously motivate toward activities and experience higher vitality, which also has important implications for teachers and physical activity psychologists during challenging times


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